1000 Pinebrook Road
Venice, FL 34285
1000 Pinebrook Road
Venice, FL 34285
The Catholic Charities Foundation was begun in 1999 to assure that the work of Catholic Charities can continue uninterrupted in the future. The need to provide services to the poor will remain ongoing. Most gifts to the Foundation are called “planned gifts” because they usually come from the donor’s assets rather than from income. These gifts can range from stocks and bonds, bequests in wills, charitable gift annuities, charitable lead or remainder trusts, to making Catholic Charities the beneficiary of an insurance policy or an IRA.
Catholic Charities needs and depends upon those benefactors who make “planned gifts.” One advantage of this type of gift is that the donor may use it to establish a Family Fund. This assures your family name will be remembered each year through a gift to the specific work of Catholic Charities you designate.
Many “planned gifts” are used to create a Memorial for parents, children or loved ones who have passed away. A Memorial gift will continue the works of mercy done by Catholic Charities and they will be done in the name of your loved ones.
All “planned gifts” to Catholic Charities provide the spiritual gift of enrollment as members of the Good Samaritan Guild. The Chaplain of the Guild celebrates Mass each month for both the living and deceased member of the Guild.
For more detailed information about the Catholic Charities Foundation and the Good Samaritan Guild, please contact:
Catholic Charities Foundation
Diocese of Venice
1000 Pinebrook Road
Venice, FL 34285
You too can help by making a gift to the Catholic Charities Foundation that has been established to develop a permanent fund. The Foundation will help ensure uninterrupted services of Catholic Charities well into the future and make available funds necessary for program expansion. Your gift to Catholic Charities may provide tax benefits to you as well as helping those less fortunate.
If you are 70 ½ and have an IRA, please read on.
Transferring IRA assets directly to a charity. By going directly to a qualified public charity, the money is not included in the IRA owner's income and - most important - is not taxed, preserving the full amount for charitable purposes.