1000 Pinebrook Road
Venice, FL 34285
1000 Pinebrook Road
Venice, FL 34285
You may wish to establish a Family Fund with your gift to the Catholic Charities Foundation. A Family Fund assures that your name will be remembered in perpetuity and will provide an annual gift in your family name to a specific work or the Catholic programs you designate.
Your gifts to the Foundation can create a perpetual memorial for your children, parents or loved ones who have passed away. A memorial gift will provide an annual donation which will continue the works of mercy done by Catholic Charities and these works will be done in the name of your loved ones.
Many donors choose to create a gift through their wills. Others make outright gifts through stocks, real estate, IRA's, paid-up life insurance policies, charitable lead or remainder trusts.
This type of planned gift donated to the Foundation will not only assure that Catholic Charities will be able to help the poor for the foreseeable future but can also offer appreciable tax benefits for the donor.
Catholic Charities Foundation
1000 Pinebrook Road
Venice, FL 34285
These are the three primary areas where you can designate your gift to the Foundation:
Or you can fund an unrestricted gift to Catholic Charities
One in 28 are Served
For one in every 28 of our neighbors in the ten-county area of the Diocese of Venice, Catholic Charities is frequently the only hope. Catholic Charities expertly helps people in need regardless of race, nationality or creed. It provides this help through 31 programs across Southwest Florida with professional caring staff members aided by dedicated volunteers.
Over the years, the primary source of philanthropic financial support for Catholic Charities programs has come from parishioners of the Catholic Diocese of Venice through free-will offerings made to the Catholic Faith Appeal conducted through the local parishes and has accounted for just under 18% of the Catholic Charities $7 to $8 million annual budget.
However, even though the Catholic Faith Appeal continues to grow, the population of southwest Florida is growing at a dramatic pace, as are the social service needs of more and more people in the area. To relieve these tremendous financial pressures Catholic Charities has begun making a concerted effort to acquire additional private and public grant support.
A number of community leaders with the approval of the Bishop established the Catholic Charities Foundation to lead this effort. The Foundation is building a permanent fund, where the proceeds will be utilized to strengthen existing programs and to initiate new strategies to meet emerging social needs.